Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

APARTMENTS Slipi: "VARIOUS uncover intrigue"

APARTMENTS Slipi: "VARIOUS uncover intrigue"

Jakarta - The role of PPRSH (Housing Tenant Association Apartment Slipi) the status of legal entity to carry out all the interests and activities as well as the service is to rejuvenate in some sectors which have been 'terbengkelai', as well as administrative activities apartments Slipi etc., that's what PPRSH Apartment Slipi under Chairman Dipl,-Ing.Hajadi Jahja.SH.MH (Business Law Property Expert) who served from 30/04/2011 to 30/04/2014 along with other officials. However, it turns out in this kepengurusannya Harjadi as chairman following PPRSH other officials are always disturbed and felt very uncomfortable going to act before some unscrupulous former officials, among others, Anwar suhendra, Hermawan Chandra, Indra Daniel Djajadi. As events in June which Harjadi PPRSH chairman and the board and unit owners received an invitation dated (06/12/2012) No.001/PPRSHS/RULB.VI/12 of their party to hold RULB again after a few attempts have been made the past by Anwar et al. Of course Harjadi and trustees refused PPRSH very hard, but they apply to rebuttal and professional with power to appoint Edwin Salhuteru.SH, JRS (Jurist Van Rechtskracht), Advokates & Legal Konsultants as legal counsel. Edwin gave rebuttal letter dated (18/06/2012) No. 45/JRS/VI/2012 addressed to Dra.Indah Ayu Anggraini, Anwar Suhendra, Daniel Djajadi Indra, Chandra Hermawan members PPRSH Apartment Slipi / Owner Unit.Isi rebuttal warned and focuses on the application of the provisions of Article 45 of ART (Laws ladder) is, "Decides Flow Utilities (Electricity and water) when RULB still held. In fact Anwar cs still carry around RULB dated 30/06/2012 at 09.30 hrs at Hotel Tropical West Jakarta. Based on the 1988 No.4 PP On Flats in Article 59. C.yaitu: "Overseeing the implementation of the provisions contained in the AD / ART", and 59.G. "Applying Sanctions for violations specified in the AD / ART. And other provisions that strengthen it from the Book of Criminal Law (Penal Code) Article 50. that is, "Whoever committed to running the rule of law, should not be punished". "It means that the steps we are taking because they still hold RULB and we have a legitimate basis for the Board of Law and there are rules based on legislation - law and regulations to apply the following sanctions are" Harjadi said. But the incident on Saturday night, the date (30/06/2012) was unexpected, suddenly came at about 20:30 pm so many police officers from West Jakarta Metro Police and the police led Invisible Criminal Palmerah Hengki Haryadi, SIK, MH based Anwar et al report on the grounds of the board PPRSH offense and disrupt the public interest, because the electricity was shut off. The police have the right and discretion in this regard. So the power is turned on again. Harjadi said, "Right there is a limit police discretion, not to exceed the authority and did not hold up - obstruct an act that has been executed according to regulations - law and regulations,". In Article 4 of Act 2 of 2002 also stressed the "RI State Police is aimed at establishing security in the country which includes the maintenance of public order and safety, orderly, and law enforcement, the implementation of protection, shelter, and services to the community, as well as the public tranquility terbinanya uphold human rights, "as he said. Harjadi then continued, "that in the event that the police can not defend the interests unilaterally and beyond the limits of authority, not to a person or group, in a sense not because of their direct reports using the right pressure so impressed others, especially to us as a Board legitimate and ongoing stewardship of the period until the year 2014, that the right to apply sanctions in accordance with the rules of the Authority attributive derived from the legislation - law and turn off or turn on it is the organization, the Association, not the intervention of outside parties, because then if like it's so confusing and annoying to not be able to work or to produce, for example, PT and other ", he said.
Furthermore Harjadi said, "even four employees in the management body to be called Metro West Jakarta Police Precinct for questioning, among other things, SP (Mail Call) No. SP/3134/VII/2012/Re-JB to be heard in a dossier (BAP) as a witness in the case of Crime acts Article 335 of the Criminal Code is not pleasant to Dani (employees technician), Rasinir (Security), Haryadi (technician) , Sobri (technician), it calls the kansebenarnya diApartemen Slipi so interfere with the performance of this, "he said. Then Harjadi continued, "It's really very annoying us as legitimate administrators, but we along with the board still trying to be good citizens and megikuti rules and live it, but Umbrella Law of Law - Law of the implementing regulations as well as AD / ART in Apartment Silpi is actually a 'barren' and exceeded with a variety of events like this, "he concluded, smiling Harjadi. *** JMart *** 

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